Your Sacred Window.
According to Ayurveda, the first 42 days after a woman gives birth, a powerful opening occurs for her to mold the next 42 years of her life.
Throughout time, we have somehow forgotten the immense importance of care for a new mother after birth. The attention goes quickly from mother being pregnant, to giving birth, to caring for baby. During this special time after birth, mama’s heart is open in such a way, that she has the ability to realign her body-mind-spirit state. She is reborn again when her baby is born, an invitation and opportunity to step back into who she truly desires to be. She is as delicate as her newborn and is in need of rest, rejuvenation and restoration on all levels. This is a crossroad in her life where she can choose the path of deep rejuvenation or a path of depletion. The mother deserves to be honored during this time of healing. When a woman receives this type of postpartum support her body has the ability to recover remarkably from pregnancy and birth. She is now able to form a deep bond with her family and baby, rebuild her strength, all while feeling grounded and secure as she enters motherhood and also retains the ability to heal wounded patterns and physical ailments from before she was even pregnant. They say it takes a village, so let’s create one for you.